Club Information

The West Fork Amateur Radio Club is a group of individuals primarily located in Wise County and surrounding counties in North Central Texas interested in pursuing and advancing the hobby of Amateur Radio (HAM Radio).

We participate in ARRL Field Day, operate Special Event Stations, provide amateur radio communications for community events, support ARES with Emergency Management communications such as Skywarn in our areas, and conduct VE testing sessions. WFARC is a ARRL Affiliated Club, and a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.

Meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of each month at the Paradise Fire Department at 7:00 PM.  You do not need to be a member to attend, so join us.

Meeting Location
Paradise Fire Department
303 Main St Paradise, TX 76073

Our club uses the services of to communicate internally with members. All members are encouraged to create a free account at to register your communication preferences.

Wise County

Club Pics: <-- New location

Club Email:
Club Callsign: W5WFR

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1134
Bridgeport, TX 76426

Ken Sides - KE5BNO
Work: 940-683-2292
Cell: 940-393-2935

Name Position Callsign
Rich Carlson President AI5R
Ken Sides Vice-President KE5BNO
John Hendry Secretary N5PTA
Bob Landrum Treasurer W5FKN
Name Position Callsign
Scott Gates Media/Public Relations KI5EAY
Kenneth Clouse Repeaters W5KMC
Clay Walker Information Technology KC5MK
Thomas Pennington Emergency Management / ARES KE5ZKF
Mark Lange Technical Director K5YW
Brad Andrews Field Day / Activities WR5A
Mike McDonald Education and VE Testing AF5NC
Topp Robertson Events KI5LET
Robert Henley Membership K5DKH
Matthew Daugherty Presentations KF5RHG
Bobby Dean Website N5BAD

For Testing -

Repeater diagram

Repeater Information

  • 146.780 - Decatur | W5KMC
  • 442.600 - Decatur | W5WFR <-- used for our Readiness Net
  • 444.400 - Springtown | W5KMC
  • 927.1250 - Bridgeport | N5WEB

(All Repeaters 131.8pl)

Get Connected

Contact us if you would like more information about our club.